Eyebrow Lift Surgery
Cosmetic eyebrow lift surgery serves to improve the appearance of the eyebrows and eyelids by elevating the position of the eyebrows. Low, droopy brows can lead to a tired or angry appearance. Lifting the eyebrows can also reduce the appearance of baggy skin in the upper eyelids, as the upper eyelids and eyebrows are closely related, like a curtain (upper eyelids) and curtain rod (eyebrows). Dr. Grant Moore utilizes several different types of eyebrow lift surgeries, including endoscopic brow lifts, lateral brow lifts, direct brow lifts, and pre-trichial brow lifts. You can learn more about the different types of eyebrow lift surgery by following the links on the left side of this page.
At a Glance
Grant Moore, MD
- Board Certified, Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon
- Over 5000 blepharoplasty surgeries performed
- Assistant Professor, University of Arizona-Phoenix
- Learn more